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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Yao Ming Chinese arrogant

Yao was not the first basketball played in NBA. In the former time, there were two more players going to NBA to improve themselves. While it is the same that they all play basketball in the same league, Yao has explained a truth, that is international player can still be successful in NBA. The body quality can become the same as American players after undergoing a series of exercise.
As Yao first got into the league, his body and skill couldn't adapt the more intense confront. Because Americans are stronger than Asians, furthermore, Americans' talents are better than Asians.
In spite of stronger muscle and better talent, Yao still decided to go to NBA. As a rookie in the league, he suffered a lot from others. While the more he suffered, the more he improved. In recent years, he becomes the core of Houston Rockets. And no one would look him down. He is my arrogant and he is still Chinese arrogant.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Basketball game, a brotherhood game

If Dwyane Wade's goal told me how to make my dream come true, these three players in Boston Celtics told me what cooperation is and what brother is. In the middle, a player named Kevin Garnett, he is the power forward in Celtics. On his left, Ray Allen, the shooting guard in Celtics. On Kevin's right side, Paul Pierce, the small forward in Celtics. These three people are super stars and leaders in their former teams,Minnesota Timberwolves and Seattle Sonics. They were gathered by a giant and amazing deal. After going together, these three stars never showed their arrogance out, while treated their teammates as brothers. Unlike Wade, the leader of the team, will always be the finisher of a game. But what they consider is how to make a better shooting opportunity for their brothers. From that time on, an idea, brotherhood basketball, is largely expanded in the league. Every player treats teammates like brothers and brings encouragements to them. Due to their brotherhood, the cooperation of their team had defeated their opponents and got the championship in the end. And in their advertisement, they all said,"no brothers, no basketball".
The word really moved, because in the professional game, the highest goal is money. It is very hard to think more about relationship. So from these three players, i knew that how important brother is as well as how important cooperation is.

My favorite player, Dwyane Wade

In the top league, the NBA, there is no doubt NBA doesn't lack star players. There are star centers who can nearly occupy all the paint region. There are still wonderful forward. They usually move between the bench line and the paint region. They are all rounders like helping center get rebound or helping guard finish an attack. Furthermore, they can still score by themselves. And there are also perfect guards. They move in the whole court, doing assists and getting points by their deft bodies. Such as my favorite player, Dwyane Wade.
Dwyane Wade first got into NBA in the year 2003 as a rookie. Due to his fast speed and breaking through, his team, Miami Heat, get stronger and brighter in the association. As time going on, Wade becomes more skillful. From his body, i can find he is ambitious to get an championship. His ambition really encourages his teammates to insist to play and never give up. His ambition also tells his fans that never lose confidence and he will lead lead Miami Heat to get the final championship in the playoff. For his ambition, i still feel life is the same as NBA. We should still work hard to generate our own beautiful lives, like Wade insists playing and never give up. Like what he said, Heat got the championship and no doubtly the final MVP belonged to the star Dwyane Wade. From that time on, i know dream is not dream at all. It will come true under your efforts.

Introduction of NBA

The full name of NBA is national basketball association, which is a professional basketball league in the US. The association consists of thirty basketball teams, twenty nine in the US and one in Canada.
The thirty teams are divided into two parts, east and west. Each side has fifteen teams. After a long game season, only eight teams in each side can get into next game called the playoff. In the playoff, the game becomes more intense. Because every team wants the NBA championship.
From my point of view, in spite that NBA is a professional league, while from the game i still find all the players treat their teams like their own home. All they consider is that how to get reputation to their own teams. It's the main attraction for me.
I still remember in the final game in the championship.Paul Pierce who is a member of Boston Celtics, a team belongs to the East, have put forward replacing Ray Allen, another player of this team, to guard Kobe Bryant, who belongs to Los Angelas Lakers. Because he is stronger than Allen so it would be much easier to guard Bryant. From his suggestion, i could see that their was not only money in his eyes, but still reputations.
That is NBA a large family. Everybody plays for their reputations and still their teams' reputation.