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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Yao Ming Chinese arrogant

Yao was not the first basketball played in NBA. In the former time, there were two more players going to NBA to improve themselves. While it is the same that they all play basketball in the same league, Yao has explained a truth, that is international player can still be successful in NBA. The body quality can become the same as American players after undergoing a series of exercise.
As Yao first got into the league, his body and skill couldn't adapt the more intense confront. Because Americans are stronger than Asians, furthermore, Americans' talents are better than Asians.
In spite of stronger muscle and better talent, Yao still decided to go to NBA. As a rookie in the league, he suffered a lot from others. While the more he suffered, the more he improved. In recent years, he becomes the core of Houston Rockets. And no one would look him down. He is my arrogant and he is still Chinese arrogant.

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